S N Rao
Sankranti means the Sun’s
entry in a Sign. There are 12 signs in the Zodiac. Since the earth revolves
around the Sun in 12 months the Sun appears to enter different Signs every
month when viewed from the earth. Kranti means change, hence Sankranti means a
forced change coming together. The change in Sign signifies important events.
The entry point in each sign is considered important as it marks the beginning
of change.
The earth rotates around
its axis. This axis is tilted at an angle of around 23 ½ degrees. Hence the Sun
seems to oscillate from the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere at
an interval of 6 months. The Sun is observed to be exactly on the equator on Mar
21st and Sept 21st. This is known as the Vernal equinox. On
this day we get equal day and equal night. The maximum declination in the
southern hemisphere is reached on Dec 21st which is known as Winter
solstice or Capricorn ingress. It gains its motion in the northern direction
and reaches maximum declination in the northern hemisphere on June 21st
which is known as Summer Solstice or Cancer ingress. Western Astrology takes
this reference as entry in Cancer sign. Hence according to them Sun enters
Cancer on June 21st. In Vedic
Astrology the ayanamsha is subtracted and hence we get the date around July 15th
as Karka sankranti.
The Significance of this
day is that Sun embarks its journey to the southern hemisphere which is known
as Dashinayana in hindu parlance. The entry point when sun enters Karka rashi
is when dakshinayana begins. In India this sankranti coincides with the monsoon
season. This is also a sowing season for crops and beginning of agriculture
activities. In mundane astrology a chart prepared on this day and time would
give prediction about the monsoon season and agriculture in the current year.
In south India this transit is also known as Dakshinayana punyakalam. There is also a belief
that Lord Vishnu goes to sleep during this period and the Ekadasi just before
Karka Sankranti is referred as Deva sayani Ekadashi. Karkataka Sankranti day is
chosen by many Hindus to perform Shradh or Pinda Daan for dead relatives and
ancestors. In some regions Lord Varaha, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, is
worshipped on the day.
Transit of Sun in karka rashi is not considered as
auspicious as there will be certain disturbances in the organization of solar
forces and generally such times are not recommended for any good work. On the
contrary they are held to be auspicious for meditation, initiation into secret
mantras and performance of certain religious rites which are held to purify
both the body and soul. This period is auspicious
for performing shradh and rituals for pleasing the dead. This coincides with
Pitru paksha, the sacred time to perform rites to the forefathers. Dashinayana
represents the pithru or pitrayana. It is believed to be the night time for the
devathas and they go to sleep. Hence a lot of significance is given during this
period for performing these activities.
During this period sacred bath, prayer, japa, charity, and tarpana to
forefathers are prescribed.
Tharpana should be given to all the fore fathers (by those who have lost their parents) with black sesame seeds (till) during parva kala. One should desist from sensual pleasures. Take only sattvik (vegetarian) food during this period.
Charity can be given to the deserving in the form of Anna Dana (food charity), Thila Dana, and Vasthra Dana.
Worshiping Lord Vishnu, Lord Sri Krishna, Sun God, and reciting Vishnu Sahasra Nama Sthothram, Purusha Sooktha, Aaditya Hridayam on this day is preferred.
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