Monday, 16 April 2012

Jupiter Retrograde – Analysis

Jupiter Retrograde – Analysis
S N Rao

Retrograde is the term applied to an apparent backward motion by a planet in the Zodiac. The effect can be compared to that of a slow-moving train as viewed from another train traveling parallel to it but at a more rapid rate, wherein the slower train appears to be moving backwards. It is generally considered that a planet is more likely to develop its negative qualities when it is in retrograde. Some people look upon it as delay. In some cases it may mean only a temporary delay that is compensated for when the planet resumes its direct motion. But this is not so. The effects can be felt but these events will not materialize at the speed at which it is expected when the motion of the planet is direct.  Hence there is a general feeling that activities don’t proceed during this period as it should.

Any planet in the birth chart which falls within the arc over which the transiting planet will be retrograde will be activated and events are likely to take place during this period. If you have your Ascendant, Sun or Moon in Pisces, you will feel the results. Also look at the houses which Jupiter rules, these matters will be activated during this period.

Jupiter turns Retrograde on 23rd July 2010. Jupiter turns retrograde in Pisces at 9° 23' 32.45". It will remain in retrograde position till Nov 18th. During this phase Jupiter will enter Aquarius on Nov 1st. Jupiter is in his own house and considered to be very strong. It will increase its strength when it turns retrograde. It is likely to behave like an exalted planet. Jupiter is a natural benefic planet and will increase its benefic qualities when it turns retrograde.

Jupiter represents the principles of expansion, growth, speculation, luck, opportunities, optimism, abundance, travel, higher education, teaching, religion and philosophy. Jupiter is retrograde for approximately 4 months in a year. During this period the planetary influence affects you and the surroundings around you. The planning tends to go wayward and generally delay is experienced in carrying out any activity.  If Jupiter is retrograde in your natal chart, you have a very rich internal life. You actually make your own luck. Speculations may not bring you all the financial rewards you seek but you will gain from a wide variety of experiences. You must remain open and honest with yourself in order to expand your spirituality and allow your intuitions to take control of you.

When Jupiter turns retrograde it is better to undertake activities which are exactly opposite to what it actually represents e.g. Jupiter signifies growth and expansion hence activities undertaken for slimming down or diet or contracting in nature or delaying the expansion activities will be beneficial. Jupiter also represents travelling and higher education hence it would be better to delay these activities. It is also not a favorable time for speculations.  

In mundane astrology Jupiter represents the religious and judicial world, divines, judges, lawyers, bankers, merchants, etc. Jupiter turning retrograde in Pisces will provide an impetus and fortunate results for all the above fields. Those people employed in the above sectors will benefit the most during this period. These people can expect promotions and monetary gains during this period. Jupiter turns retrograde in Uttarabhadrapad Nakshatra which is ruled by Saturn. Saturn occupies Virgo and aspects Jupiter. This malefic aspect has the potential to create major environmental hazards and disasters like earthquakes.

My prediction for Jupiter turning retrograde in Pisces for various janma rashi is given below.

Jupiter retrogrades in 12th house. This is beneficial for carrying out religious activities. This period is good for undertaking spiritual voyages like teerth yatra. Investing for a long term is a good option during this period. This is an auspicious period for purchasing a house. Mother’s health will be affected. Health will be of concern. There will be increase in expenditure for health. Chances for being bed ridden or hospitalization is indicated. This is not a good period for speculation. There will be trouble with children. There will be trouble in partnerships. Those seeking divorce may separate.

Jupiter retrogrades in 11th house. There will be benefits through unexpected income. Legacies or heredity matters will materialize. This period will be a favorable period for gains and finance related matters. Speculation needs to be avoided during this period. There will be trouble in love and affection. There will difficulties with regards to children. This is not a favorable time for those seeking a new job. There will be trouble in career and delay in getting promotions.

Jupiter retrogrades in 10th house. Success in career and service is indicated. There will be promotion opportunities. Gain, increase in reputation and honor is indicated during this period. This is an auspicious time for accumulating wealth and there will be additions in the family. Success in education is indicated. Those seeking higher education and travel abroad will benefit during this period. This is an auspicious time for purchasing land, house, vehicle.

Jupiter retrogrades in the 9th house. This is a favorable time for carrying out religious activities and those seeking higher education and intending to carry out research. This is also a favorable time for those seeking marriage, love and affection. There will be trouble to health for children. Those intending to travel abroad will find it difficult. There will be troubles and delay in journey during this period. Financial situation will improve. Those in service will be rewarded with opportunities, increments, promotions etc.

Jupiter retrogrades in the 8th house. This is a difficult period. Trouble with regard to finance, health and travel is indicated during this period. There will be disappointments in service, career. There will be difficulties in education and domestic life. Unexpected loss, expenditure and legal cases can crop up during this period. Avoid speculation. Those persons in creative endeavors like art, music, teaching, sports and entertainment industry will find it very difficult during this period.

Jupiter retrogrades in 7th house. This is a difficult period. There will be difficulties with regards to education, travel, service and domestic life. There will be financial difficulties during this period. There is likely hood of depression. There will be loss in business dealings and trouble in partnerships. Those seeking marriage may materialize during this period.

Jupiter retrogrades in 6th house.  There will be trouble from enemies. Delay will be experienced in service as things will not go as expected. Those expecting promotions will feel disappointed and frustrated. There will be increase in expenditure. This period is generally unfavorable.

Jupiter retrogrades in 5th house. There will be much optimism. This is a fortunate period for gain and wealth and for begetting children. This is an auspicious period for long distance travel. Parent’s health will be of concern during this period.

Jupiter retrogrades in 4th house. This is a good period for students. They can expect good marks in competitive exams. There will be difficulties in career and domestic life. This period is not favorable to those individuals desiring to change jobs.

Jupiter retrogrades in 3rd house. There will be short distance travel opportunities during this period. There will be increase in health, wealth and prosperity. There will be increase in expenditure. This is a good period to those individuals desiring to get married.

Jupiter retrogrades in 2nd house. There will be a change in residence, opportunities for long distance travel, foreign contacts, wealth and finance will increase. This is not a good period for love and romance. There will be minor clashes in domestic life.

Jupiter retrogrades in 1st house. There will be opportunities for all around improvement. There will be opportunities for a long distance journey. This is a good period for begetting children and those seeking marriage. Children will benefit in education. There will be trouble in business and partnerships. Expenditure will increase.

The Panchang details at the time Jupiter turns Retrograde is given below

Date:                      July 23, 2010
Time:                      16:43:00
Time Zone:            5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place:                     77 E 13' 00", 28 N 40' 00"
                                Delhi, India
Lunar Yr-Mo:        Vikriti - Ashadha
Tithi:                       Sukla Trayodasi (Ju) (43.24% left)
Vedic Weekday:   Friday (Ve)
Nakshatra:             Moola (Ke) (45.10% left)
Yoga:                      Indra (Ra) (21.30% left)
Karana:                  Taitula (Me) (86.47% left)
Hora Lord:             Jupiter (5 min sign: Pi)
Mahakala Hora:    Saturn (5 min sign: Ge)
Kaala Lord:            Mercury (Mahakala: Mercury)
Sunrise:                 5:41:23
Sunset:                   19:13:35
Janma Ghatis:        27.5676
Ayanamsa:             24-00-16.62
Sidereal Time:      12:26:13

1 comment:

  1. HI i have retro jupiter in 10th house (Cancer lagna) with venus and mercury in 4th house.
    15/10/1987 Time 01:50 AM Chennai
    I have self doubt always in life how i will be in future.
    please tell me how it will affect my future?
