Analysis of the 6th house
S N Rao
The Sixth House describes the general health of the native, and
the type of sickness to which he is prone. It also determines the conditions
with which the daily work is carried out, even though this normally is shown by
the Tenth House. Its chief concern, however, is to elucidate the conditions
surrounding the work or duty involved and the reaction where co-workers,
employers or employees are concerned. The Zodiacal Sign actually on the cusp of
the Sixth House will show the degree of physical strength or weakness and the
ailments to which the individual will be susceptible.
The 6th house in a horoscope is referred to
as the house of health. Maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the
face of adversity, and this is seen from the 6th house. As human
beings, we naturally have shortcomings. What will we do with them? How will we
react in the face of personal crisis? Crises, illness and reversals of fortune
are all part of our earthly trek. How we confront these situations and deal
with the lessons they invariably teach us helps to define the person we become.
The sixth house of horoscope represents the struggle-experience. The six house shows struggle, difficulties, opposition of various kinds, litigation and servitude. This house represents fear, difficulties, enemies, ill health, debt and fear of death. Essentially it is the house of difficulties.
Our fears may hold us back, but we can meet them head on and come out stronger on the other side, we may learn the valuable lesson of service or what our life’s work should be. Work and service are central to the sixth house. The focus here is on employment (employers and employee), training, those who serve us (along with those we serve) and those who depend on us. Keeping ourselves strong throughout these efforts is also important here, which is why this house further focuses on health (good and bad), diet, fitness and hygiene.
Essential to the work, we do in life is the work; we do on our self duty, responsibility and personal growth all contribute to the creation of a fully-realized being. We work for others as well as for ourselves; we are at service to those who need us, including our own being. There will be times when crises of health or faith will stand in the way of our best self. At those times, we must endeavor to heal ourselves so that we can return to the work of realizing our sum potential, of serving our world.
The sixth house of horoscope also addresses the daily activities of life: what will I wear today? Do I need a haircut? These simple matters keep our engines humming and enable us to do the more important work of our choosing. The ability to serve others in health and through work is both valuable and fulfilling. how you serve others in a useful way: helping, working, waiting-on, attending, serving, using skills, teaching skills, craftsmanship, taking care of details, organizing; how you do your duties: everyday work routines, chores, job functions, responsibilities, using proper methods, being punctual, being organized, keeping schedules, working well, being efficient/competent/skillful, how you work or perform to make a living; how you "fix" things or make them more "perfect"; how you take responsibility for your own health & fitness: diet, exercise, health care, stress management, sleep habits, medical check-ups; how you care for the health & fitness of others: health-care work, therapy, nutrition counseling, fitness training, nursing, pharmacy. The sixth house in the natural Zodiac is ruled by the sign Virgo and the Planet mercury.
So far as conditions of work are concerned, considered apart from
the actual nature of the vocation that is followed, one has to make allowance
for one of three factors, i.e., whether the individual under consideration is
employed, is an employer, or carries out vocational activities on his or her
own initiative. The Cardinal Signs on the cusp of the Sixth House give the
strongest indication of the exercising of control over others. The Fixed Signs
show the greater capacity for the actual carrying out of work or duties.
Mutable signs demonstrate such in-between positions as Foreman or Shop-Steward.
The Fire Signs will undoubtedly increase the natural enthusiasm for the work
being done.
In a Mundane Figure it enhances the public health and the laboring
class including all involuntary services rendered by the people.
In a National Figure it favors any political party supporting
Labor. In a Court of Law the deliberations of the jury and the Court records
and reports are influenced by the Sixth House. In an organization the Sixth
House affects the attitudes, efficiency and general conditions of the
The Sixth House represents enemies and wounds. This is an important house
as enemies can destroy our mental peace. Even though philosophically the
Adversary is an active collaborator
and is the builder of the strength in man, practically he can make us cry with
his machinations. Hence a powerful Sixth lord is called for; if the sixth house
is weak or aspected by malefics, we are bound to suffer.
The best Yoga for the destruction of enemies is Jupiter in the Ascendant & the North Node in the sixth. This is also known as Ashta Lakshmi Yoga. This Yoga will wipe out enemies.
To determine the strength and the
results of the 6th house we have to determine the ascendant and the
lord of the 6th house. The following effects will be felt which are
mentioned in the ancient texts.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ascendant
If the 6th lord is in the ascendant, the native will be rash & adventurous and become inimical to own people. He/she may join Defence or may be a jail superintendent. They may be worried by some kind of sickness. This worry may be imaginary. They may be plagued by enemies. Their virtues may make them honourable before the public. They may be out of control if they are not well guided during childhood. Unless negative elements in them are not controlled, they may join a criminal group.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Second House
Since the 6th lord is in the 2nd, the native will be enterprising and will live in a place where he/she are more surrounded by enemies than friends. They are workaholics. They have tremendous communication abilities which they will use to their advantage. They know how to talk their way to the top. They are always shaky about scarce economic resources & financial conditions. They need not worry about health.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Third House
Since the 6th lord is in the 3rd, the native may have to face tremendous enmity
& non-cooperation from neighbours. It makes them angry and loose
confidence. It will be full scale war if they clash with someone they
love. It is quite likely that there will be enmity with younger co-borns. Neighbours become hostile & they may have to face their wrath. They are always upset by the machinations of their enemies.
love. It is quite likely that there will be enmity with younger co-borns. Neighbours become hostile & they may have to face their wrath. They are always upset by the machinations of their enemies.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fourth House
Since the 6th lord is in the 4th, the native may not have much happiness from his/her mother. He/she will be an accomplished in communication. They will be intelligent enough to make stories. They have an inherent subconscious fear of losing mother's love which in turn creates a massive emotional complex in them. Education gets disrupted. People think they are strong minded which is not true. Troubles through servants indicated.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Fifth House
As the 6th lord is in the 5th, the native will be subject to dire vicissitudes. They are quite capable of taking care of their self interest. The atmosphere at home may not be smooth enough. Their maternal uncle may help them. Due to stress intense they may shatter all ties with relatives and fall into a sad neurosis which is unnatural to their
normal style of functioning. They are humourous & strong willed.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Sixth House
Since the 6th lord is in 6th, pro and contra groups will function wherever the native works. They go & attain strength to fight their enemies. Their inner conscience conflicts against their outer actions. They will be blessed by conveyances and they will have good longevity. Enemies pose problems but ultimately they triumph. Debts will not trouble them as the 6th lord is powerful. They will recover from illnesses due to the sixth lord's strength.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Seventh House
Since the 6th lord is in 7th, the native will be surprised by the difference between actuality & the marital life which he/she dreamt. It is likely that they will marry from within their family. Their maternal uncle may live with them. They abhor day dreaming. Clashes with life partner likely.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eighth House
Since the 6th lord is in the 8th, enmity increases from the native's associates. They demand respect which they may not get from the people they deal with. The adverse position of the 6th lord can give diseases and debts which can be prevented if cared for in time. They may be subject to the machinations of enemies. Enemies may go in for a campaign of character assassination to destroy their image.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Ninth House
Since the 6th lord is in 9th, the native's professional fortunes will be subject to severe vicissitudes. Misunderstandings arise between them and their father. That they are totally different from their enemies will be showed by Fate through numerous incidents. Ultimately they triumph over their enemies with the touch of poetic
justice. Their father will be quite renowned. Their enemies will be fooled & their friends will benefit from their association with them.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Tenth House
Since the 6th lord is in 10th, they are bound to be successful in foreign countries/faraway lands. They will be endowed with the gift of articulate speech. Their ancestral properties which they inherited will be subject to litigation and disputes. They are adepts at management & it will surprise many how they achieve their results
and control their adversaries. They always exercise their will power & establish superiority.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Eleventh House
Since the 6th lord is in the 11th, they will gain a lot from enemies and acquire wealth thereby. Their spouse is in the habit of spending more than they earn. Since their degree of adaptability is enormous, they will adapt to the fiscal extravagance of their partner. Enemies who worked against them now realise that they are more powerful
than what they thought & that they are formidable adversaries.
The Effect of the Sixth Lord in the Twelfth House
Since the 6th lord is in the 12th, the native becomes a sadist taking pleasure in torturing other beings. Their destructive power helps to annihilate their enemies. They are not in any way hesitant to spend largesse and effort on things which the ethical refrain from. Personal satisfaction is their motto & they bother not about Ethics
& Morality. They accept any hedonism that appeals to them & which arouses their emotions. They will be subject to considerable persecution from their enemies.
Naturally a blending of the Sign influence and any planet in the
Sixth House must be made in order to gauge the outcome from the standpoint of
health and sickness. In addition to the Sixth House effects, the Sign that
contains the Sun, and the one containing the Moon, will exert a direct effect
even though the Sun and the Moon are not in the Sixth House. The Sign
containing the planet that is the ruler of the Sign on the cusp of the Sixth
House affords some added information. While studying these influences it must
constantly be remembered that the Sun's position will show the physical
strength whereas the Moon's position will influence the mental strength.
Sun in the Sixth House
This is a good position for the Sun, as it will strengthen the
vital forces and aid in the formation of defenses against illnesses. This
position aids the native in his daily work and indicates ascension to a
responsible position. There is a respect for authority, particularly where
industrial and economic interests are involved. In regards to health, the
nature of the Sixth House limits the vital forces of the Sun, but the Sun
affords the native the power to be careful and to safeguard himself against the
dangers of illness.
Moon in the Sixth House
When the Moon is posited in the Sixth
House the native will pay considerable personal attention to daily activities.
His routine work will be of vital importance to him. If the native can take
advantage of his natural capacities of personal ingenuity, tact and the ability
to handle people, he will make substantial and rewarding progress in his work.
However, if he does not take advantage of his natural talents, he will
experience deterioration in his affairs. Much of the Moon's influence here will
depend on the nature of the Sign on the Sixth House Cusp.
Mercury in the Sixth House
The planet Mercury in the Sixth House increases the susceptibility
to nervous disorders and to ailments caused by worry and anxiety or as a result
of travel. The native will have to use extreme care in pursuit of his studies
because of his tendency to overdo things. In relation to the native's work, it
creates restlessness where the occupation proves to be of a very routine
nature. It shows that there must always be a degree of variety for work to be
done well and interest maintained. The position intensifies the power of
discrimination and perception. It also gives the native a keen sense of
criticism along with a psychological understanding of industrial and economic
Venus in the Sixth House
When the planet Venus is in the Sixth House, although it is a
helpful position in some ways, it can bring blood disorders, infections of the
throat, ears, and kidneys. As far as work goes however, this position is mainly
favorable. It brings cooperation and further progress as long as there is
harmony with others in the sphere of the work. Routine and output will suffer
if there is any discord present. The native will derive many benefits through
feminine influence and the cooperation of the female population.
Mars in the Sixth House
When Mars is posited in the Sixth House it exercises an exciting
influence that may not be too good for health. It can show a liability to
fevers, accidents, and danger associated with the work that is done. Although
the position affords the native the capacity to work hard and is good for
mechanical and kindred activities, it brings discord and friction. He will
derive some degree of benefit through the masculine influence and the
cooperation of men. Some financial loss is indicated by ill health or accident.
It is not a good position for servants or employees, as it brings arguments and
disputes with them, and at times, a degree of rebellion actually occurs.
Jupiter in the Sixth House
When Jupiter is in the Sixth House it
brings sizable amount of benefit in matters concerning health, work, and
employees. This position assists the recuperative powers so far as health is
concerned, although there are times when it can bring on conditions of ill
health through unwise habits. From the viewpoint of work, it helps to bring
varied benefits while it shows that servants or employees, or even ordinary
business colleagues or employees will be willing to help and to work with the
native for the general good. The underlying element of luck and protection will
express itself in a very marked manner from time to time.
Saturn in the Sixth House
When Saturn is in the Sixth House the position emphasizes the
liability to colds, chills, accidents involving falling or things falling on
the native. There is also a tendency toward industrial disease. It brings
arduous conditions of work, many difficulties, worries and anxieties, even
though it shows the efficiency and capacity to carry out duties and
responsibilities. Saturn will tend to weaken the recuperative powers of the
native, especially during the early part of life.
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