Analysis of the 11th house
S N Rao
The eleventh house is an often-misunderstood house. It is associated with gain, i.e. gain of objectives and
articles. At the same time it is associated with punishment,
as it is the sixth from the sixth i.e. the manifestation of punishment. These
two extremes require explanation.
11th house Stands for Gains (of money,
knowledge), elder brother or sister, wealth, elevation of husband, longevity of
mother, gain from father- in-law, friends , hopes , wishes, aspirations, success
in undertakings, elections, litigation, speculation, discharge from hospital,
ears, trade, society, community, recovery from illness, freedom from misery,
ambitions, wishes, desires & their fulfillment, marriage,
The seventh house shows ones desires, and the eleventh
is the fifth therefrom indicating the future of such desires, namely the
fulfillment or denial of the desires. Such a fulfillment is considered as a
gain to the native, and the reason the eleventh house is called the labha bhava.
The people / grahas in the eleventh house indicate those whom you attempt to
fulfill your desires with and those who will support ones dreams about the
future, thus becoming ones friends. Some hopes /desires are inauspicious and
could cause harm to others whilst attempting to reap the fruits of ones
desires. To account for our misdeeds the eleventh house also acts as the
natural house of obstruction or badhaka.
11th house is known as a badhaka for chara
rashi (cardinal signs). The natural sign of badhaka is Aquarius being the
natural eleventh sign in the zodiac, and its lord Saturn, tempts us, and
punishes us. These badhaka signs and their lords cause obstacles in our life, which are seemingly impossible to rectify for
the native. This is especially so if the
planets are badly placed. If the planets are well placed and
associated with the badhaka sign or lord, then the planets will instead work
towards the removal of obstacles, and all the doors of opportunities will be
opened to the native, although there will be some obstacles at first, though.
As the badhaka acts like Rahu the good results could be reaped through travel,
foreigners or foreign destinations.
All planets in 11th are good except when the 11th is a
badhakasthana. Lords of 9th,
10th in 11th give continued riches. Lord of 9th, 10th, 11th in 11th
give gains from parents, from profession and is also helpful to friends. Bhavas occupied by 11th lord and
owned by planets joining the 11th lord confer gains. In the mahadasha in the planet owning 8th
and 11th houses, during 1st half of the dasa one discharges debts, he gets
personal elevation and the quarrels end. However, during 2nd half of the dasa one will experience effects of
11th house ownership. All planets give auspicious results when they
occupy 11th. Material prosperity during periods of planets related
to the 11th is obtained because 11th lord is good for material prosperity and
bad for spirituality. Saturn in 11th is good for success and stability. 11th lord in 11th
makes the native to progress day by day, and significations of the 11th house
will nourish &
give wealth. 11th lord is bad only for
health aspects and not regarding other matters. Strong Moon in l lth in Aries
or Virgo gives two marriages & many sisters. It also causes lung diseases. Mars in 11th in Libra makes
one humorous &
gives a setback in middle age. With Sun,
Moon combination in the 11th one can become a ruler even if born in humble circumstances.
Transits of Major planets in the 11th house
also play an important role in determining the timing for getting its results.
What to expect during a Jupiter transit to the 11th: You’ll have opportunities to expand—personally, spiritually, and
professionally—through friendship and groups. Study groups can lead to
intellectual and spiritual growth by exploring advanced topics and world
religions. You may meet new friends from afar, perhaps in your own
travels. People who are knowledgeable and well-placed may befriend you and
bring good fortune your way. Reaching out to groups or networks can boost your
career or business—after all, the 11th is the 2nd house of the 10th.
Saturn transits to the 11th (or transits to natal Saturn in the 11th): Saturn takes 29.5 years to orbit the Sun,
so it’s in a sign—and a house—for about 2.5 years. What to expect during a Saturn transit to the 11th: You
may accept a responsible position in a group you belong to. By trial and error,
you learn to set boundaries with friends and groups of people. You may worry
about friends who are having a hard time due to illness, aging, difficult
world conditions, or as the consequences of irresponsible behavior. Some
old friends you’ve been loyal to may leave your life, and you may be too
focused on other responsibilities to socialize as much as previously. Old pals
from long ago pop up (high school reunion?) and give you a chance to see how
you’ve each fared since then. During this period, you may make good business or
professional connections with colleagues and clients through belonging to
groups or networks related to your career. Older, experienced, and capable
people may be impressed with you and may mentor you—or you yourself may become
a mentor to promising young people.
Although extra
saturnine planets like Uranus & Neptune are not considered in Vedic astrology,
they are given very important role in transits. The results for these planets
will be received more of a permanent nature due to their slow motion.
Uranus transits to the 11th (or transits to natal Uranus in the 11th): Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun, so
it’s in a sign—and a house—for about 7 years. What to
expect during a Uranus transit to the 11th: There’s
an upswing
in your social life as lively, trendy, people suddenly appear and then, just as
you’re getting used to them, they’re history. They’re likely to be younger
and/or more Aquarian, with more than a touch of wildness and the capacity to
shake up your ideas. It’s on with the new but out with the old, as long-term
connections reach sudden endings, for instance when one of you moves away. One
or both of you may change in ways the other can’t adapt to or accept.
Groups take
on a new meaning and new excitement, and you may find yourself drawn to social
or political action. You may meet people online who share your interests and
find yourself online constantly to keep up with social networking.
Neptune transits to the 11th (or transits to natal Neptune in the 11th): Neptune takes 165
years to orbit the Sun, so it’s in a sign—and a house—for about 14 years. What to expect during a Neptune transit to the 11th: Maybe
over the years, you’ve given more than you’ve gotten in certain codependent
relationships. If you’ve befriended people with serious problems, you may find
yourself burned out, especially if they’re involved in self-destructive patterns
like addiction or abusive relationships. If they’re unwilling to change them,
this may be a time when their problems get worse, and you decide to cut them
loose. What’s likely to fill the void is a new or deeper involvement
in groups devoted to spiritual development, service, or creativity. You
meet fellow seekers who become brothers and sisters of the heart and share a
rich and soulful awakening.
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