Monday, 22 July 2013

Planets in astrology

The planets represent the following:

Atma (soul), self, self-realization, influence, prestige, power, valor, health, eye, general well being, heat, splendor, father, king, royalty, royal favor.
The heart, understanding, inclinations, emotions, sleep, happiness, good name and fame,facial luster, mother, royal favor, affluence, travel, water reservoirs.
Stamina, courage, desire, anger, scandal, diseases, enemies, opposition, controversies,weapons, commander of an army, land, immovable properties, younger brother, relations such ascousins.
Intelligence, discrimination, speech, expression, education, learning, mathematics, logic,astrology, medical knowledge and profession, writing, publishing, acting as a middle man in trade or  politics (diplomacy), dancing, mixture of things, leafytrees, testing of precious stones, charms (amulets), maternal uncles, friends.
Wisdom, learning, corpulence, acts of religious merit, devotion to God, ancestors andsuperior beings, holy places, scriptures, proficiency in learning, philosophy, giving alms or donations, benevolence, wealth, respect, sons, religious, preceptors, fruit, fruit trees.
Spouse, marriage, sexual matters, pleasures of the senses, singing, poetry, scents, ornaments, jewellery, all articles of luxury, cooperation with and from others, flowers, flowering trees, beauty, buying and selling, cows, watery places.
Longevity, life, death, adversity, calamities, disrespect, diseases, poverty, livelihood,servility, unrighteous conduct, learning of sciences and foreign languages, agricultural pursuits,minerals, oils, things buried deep in the ground and coming out there from, servants (male and female),service, theft, cruel deeds, malice, lameness, very old persons.
 (North Node of the Moon):
Paternal grandfather, fallacious argument, harsh speech,gambling, movement, travelling, outcastes, foreigners, snakes, snake bite, theft, wickedness,widow(er), intrigue with a widow(er), skin diseases, itches, eczema, acute or sharp pain in the body,hiccoughs, swelling in the body.
 (South Node of the Moon):

Maternal grandfather, consumption, pain, fever, wound,witchcraft, causing trouble to enemies, horned animals, dog, cock, birds with spots or of variegatedcolors, philosophy, salvation.

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