Natal Chart Aspects
A natal chart or
birth chart is a view of the sky from the exact place and the exact
time of a person’s birth. Personality, emotions,
and priorities can be observed through astrological aspects between the
placement of planets in the natal chart. The Sun sign is the constellation
the Sun is in at the exact time of birth. The Moon sign is the Zodiac
sign the Moon is in at the exact time of birth. The Rising sign or
Ascendant is the Zodiac sign on the eastern horizon at the exact time of birth.
Add 12 houses and 10-11astrological planets to the mix, all representing
different areas of life, and the beginning of an individual
personality can be seen. The Aspects are how all of the above relate to each
other. Positive and negative, weak and dominant, aspects can skew the original belief
of astrological representation. For example, if there is a conjunction
including Venus and the Moon in Aries, it will strengthen the need for love
and beauty, feeding on the energy of Mars, Aries’ natural ruler.
A Conjunction is the most powerful aspect. When a natal
chart shows two or more astrological planets within 10 degrees of each
other, the significance of the planets is combined. When a Conjunction appears,
you can expect a double amount of energy from both astrological planets’
influences. Such as, the previous example with Venus and the Moon; love
(Venus) and emotions (Moon) are doubly displayed.
A Sextile is the opportunity
aspect. When a natal chart shows two or more astrological planets near 60
degrees of each other, there is a small possibility for opportunity in theareas
the planets represent. This aspect is positive in nature, however, not
very dominant. In fact, many other influences in the chart may over ride
any of its contributions.
The Square is a negative aspect causing one to learn a lesson
by challenge and difficulty. Once again, if two or more astrological planets
are near 90 degrees of each other, it mayprove a bit of difficulty in
the areas the planets represent. It could possibly cause a much needed
change, and if one is aware of this in the birth chart, it can be dealt with. A
square often indicates internal conflict.
If two or more astrological planets are near 120 degrees apart,
they create a Trine. This could be a major influence on harmony and
communication concerning the areas the planets represent. The Trine is a
great aspect to have. It helps to ease any differences between the two
planets. This aspect is a peaceful aspect. Too many Trines is a person’s
natal chart can cause them to be weak in character since they won’t experience
the normal amount of hard knocks life dishes out.
An Opposition in a natal chart occurs when two or more
astrological planets are near 120degrees apart. This aspect is known as the
second most influential aspect. When an Opposition appears in a birth chart,
you can expect exactly what it’s named for; obstacles, and unresolved
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