Monday, 16 April 2012

Rahu kaal - Bad time / Inauspicious time during the day to start any new activity

Rahu kaal - Bad time / Inauspicious time during the day to start any new activity
by S N Rao

Rahu Kaal means bad time / inauspicious time during the day to start any activity. According to Hindu Astrology a time period of about 90 minutes every day between the sun rise and the sunset is allocated to Rahu kaal.

Rahu kaal is given utmost importance in South India. For seeing any muhurta this period is usually avoided. Any auspicious work is not undertaken during this Rahu kaal. Auspicious activities undertaken during this period will not give good results. Auspicious activities like new work, journey, trade, business, marriage, interview, business dealings, sale or purchase of any assets, purchasing stocks and shares are not undertaken during this period. But activities which have already started before the Rahu kaal can be continued during this period and may not cause much effect. Rahu kaal is seen for only starting of new activities. Do not sign any major documents or start a new enterprise in this period.

The Rahu kaal is given in most of the panchangas. These are as follows.
Monday                - 7:30     - 9:00   am
Tuesday                - 3:00     - 4:30   pm
Wednesday          - 12:00   - 1:30   pm
Thursday              - 1:30     - 3:00   pm
Friday                    - 10:30   - 12:00am
Saturday               - 9:00    - 10:30am
Sunday                  - 4:30     - 6:00   pm

Rahu kaal is the 1/8th part between Sun rise and the Sun set. According to the Vedic astrology, the day begins at sunrise. The above timings given in the Panchanga is calculated for Sun rise time of 6 am and Sun set time of 6 pm. But in reality the Sun rise time and the Sun set time at different places vary at different time of the year. Hence the above timings should not be blindly followed. It is necessary to calculate the Rahu kaal according to the Sun rise time & Sun set time at your place.

Rahu kaal varies from place to place and from day to day. This is because the Sun rise time and the Sun set time keeps changing every day. To calculate Rahu kaal you need to find the total time between the Sun rise to Sun set. Divide these total time in to 8 parts. Each part is noted down. The week day is noted down. The following parts in the week day will be Rahu kaal.

Monday – 2nd part
Tuesday –  7th part
Wednesday – 5th part
Thursday – 6th part
Friday – 4th part
Saturday – 3rd part
Sunday – 8th part

Rahu kaal on Fridays, Tuesdays and Sundays are more important. Worshipping Maa Durga during this period will help you from all misfortunes.

Apart from Rahu kaal there is Yamakanda Kaal which is also inauspicious to start any important activity. This is given in the table below.
10-30 AM
12-00 PM
09-00 AM
10-30 AM
07-30 AM
09.00 AM
06-00 AM
07-30 AM
3-00 PM
4-30 PM
01-30 PM
03-00 PM
12-00 PM
01-30 PM

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